...because you aren't living unless you have something to live for...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ready to go.

So it's done. I've finished the story and I couldn't be happier with it. And now I want everyone to read it. I've given it to a couple of my friends and now I'm just waiting on feedback. I joined a blog for writers that has tons of information such as agents looking for clients and publishers looking to publish. So here I am, ready to take the next step. I'm going to enter a couple of writing contests, get my name out there and then start sending this story out to agencies to see if anyone bites. It's my first time, so I'm not expecting a lot. I know I'll be rejected but I'll pick myself up, dust off my knees, and try again. I want people to see what I can do and to help me be better. I want to make my writing a career and I'm ready to start.

Other than that, I've been reading a lot this summer. I've finished five books and I'm itching to pick up the next one and keep going. I've been reading a lot of fairy tale inspired books and it's insipring me to write my own. We'll see, maybe that'll be my next project. One step at a time though, even though the ideas never stop flowing through my mind. Not that I'm complaining.