So my computer crashed. So I lost my most recent novel and the one that I'm working on right now. I'm trying not to let this take me over. I'm trying to be strong and not cry. But it's hard. It's really hard. These stories, these are my babies, my life. my blood, sweat and tears. Yes I can re-write them but it won't be the same. We all know that. It won't be the same. It's all my fault, I'm not blaming anyone else. I have an external hard drive but I hadn't put these two on there. Thankfully, as I need to keep positive, I didn't lose any of my other ones because I had them all on my external drive. Starting all over is going to be hard. I'm going to see if I can get someone to get them off the drive but I'm trying not to be too hopeful. I'm trying to let it seep in that I may have lost them and will need to rewrite them. There are so many "what ifs" running through my mind and I'm trying to block them out. It doesn't matter if I did anything else because it's too late to fix it. There is no going back now.
There is a barrier in my life right now and I need to get past it. I need to open up Word and start writing and stop thinking about what could have been. The only thing to do is move forward. Push Jen, push through this.