...because you aren't living unless you have something to live for...

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Okay, there are, like, way too many cute boys in this high school. I don't even know where to start. Walking down the halls, I press my books to my chest as my eyes roam the "sights". High school is a whole new story, a whole new chance to be the person I want to be. There were no real love stories in middle school, but high school is going to be different.

I adjust my glasses, wishing this year could have started differently. If I got contacts, I'd have a better shot having a guy actually notice me. I make my way to English class, my heart beating a little faster than usual. It pounds against my ribcage as I step over the threshold and see him sitting at his desk. There are a lot of cute boys, but he's my favourite. Ted smiles at me and I return it. We've known each other since grade school but he was never in the same class as me. It's a safety net, him here, and it comforts me. But I know it's nothing but a friendly reminder. I try to remind myself of that. I slid into my chair by him just as the teacher walks in. Mr. Bennett is my favourite teacher. It may be that he teaches my favourite subject, but either way he's cool.

We're reading Romeo & Juliet. It's the first Shakespeare I've ever read, they start you off in Grade 9 and then go from there I guess, and so far I love it. Juliet is a heartbreaking character and she reminds me of myself. She falls head first into love and gives all her heart. Romeo will do anything to be with her even though he knows he can't. She can't get him out of her mind. Their love will be the death of them but all that matters is that they loved, that they had a chance to be together. We take turns reading characters and I've only read the Nurse so far. I want to read Juliet. I want people to see me, to notice me. I want Ted to notice me. Mr. Bennett looks up and starts telling everyone who they'll be reading. His eyes land on me.

"Jen, do you want to read Juliet?"

My head screams but I release a small "Yes."

My pulse is racing and I can feel it vibrating through my entire body. Yes, I want to read Juliet, but I'm so shy and so scared that I'll mess up. I look at the scene we're doing and I have a long soliloquy. A lot of reading. A lot of attention. I'm kind of used to being invisible. I'm always quiet and the only time I really feel like myself is when I'm with my friends. But I can do this. The room disappears around me and I know someone is reading something. I wait for my turn. By the time it comes, my palms are sweaty and my legs are shaking. But I read. I read for so long that I become Juliet. Mr. Bennett leaves at one point, but I keep going. I know no one is listening, but I hope, just hope, that someone is paying attention to me. That I am making an impact in someone's life. But I'm just the girl with the nerdy glasses who is actually speaking for once.

I finish my monologue and times continues like nothing happened. The bell rings and I stand to go, thinking that maybe Ted will stop and talk to me, say something about my reading. But when I look up he's already out the door. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and edge into the hallway, getting lost in the crowd of students. But my heart picks up its pace as I move closer to my next class. Oh ya, PB & J is in my next class. Maybe I'll actually talk to him today.

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